Friday, January 28, 2011

Engaging students

Graphic organizer
Smart boards
interactive boards such as the ipads
e-readers such as the Nook and Kindle
Pod casts
instant messager
chat rooms
social pages such as facebook.
Discussion boards
Social page
Chat rooms

The use of the technology that is available allows educators and people who are working together to benefit from the knowledge that the students, other educators, and other people have.  The different tools that are available now days provide for opportunities that were not around before. Pod casting for example allows people to communicate new ideas without the expense of traveling. Everyone can make video using simple cameras that are now being included with computers. According to Mobile Cast media (2010) “Video is so powerful because it showcases charisma and communication skills, allowing for transparency, which builds trust” While the instructor or speaker may be hundreds or thousands of miles away they can still influence the education of their students.
Other tool such as Blogs and discussion boards allows the instructor or students to communicate and learn from each other just by simply reading the material that is available. The fact that educators can use the tools that have been used for so long by other media groups, this allow the educator to be more interactive with the students and colleges that they are around or have similar interests with.


  1. It is important to engage learners in an online environment. It is the instructors role to engage the learner by using various types of technology tools for the course content, communication, and collaborative communities. Various technology tools should be used for communicating and within collaborative communities with the instructor as well as learner to learner. The instructor should also use various technology tools to get the course content to the learner so that it is within their grasp and addresses their learning style.
    Marion bush

  2. The education world has seen tremendous changes in the way we all learn and teach. The technological tools that you mentioned in your post have brought many advantages to those who are considered non-traditional students who have families and careers, and for those in remote areas who want to continue their education. Students are able to interact with their peers as well as instructors to improve learning.

  3. Robert, Sonja, Marion;
    I agree regarding utilization of different tools in technology in education. Some are so opposed to change, especially when it comes to technology. I don't doubt that the use of technology can be intimidating at first. However, I will try anything once, or so- and see how I can best utilize it to suite my specific needs. If it makes my life easier and better organized, I am all in.
    I am having slow but steady progress with the supplement of Webstudy technology for my nursing students. Most love having materials ahead of time and are now asking if we will ever put a quiz or test on line. With the weather being so unpredictable, storms force the cancellation of class and tests. The students are as anxious to take an exam as we are to give it. With another storm on the way this week, I am inclined to put the test up on there and see how they do. I am concerned about some and the time constraints, especially this being a new test taking environment for them.

  4. Robert: Where is your graphic organizer?

  5. Professor,
    I have uploaded my graphic organizer. I was not able to format it to the point that I wanted but it is there.
    I am surprised that you are having issues with the test taking aspects of the program. When I got my nursing license (a long time ago) I had to take the certification test via on computer and online. That was back in 2000.
